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How to make a payment to us

We try to make it easy for you to work with us so we've put together a number of ways for you to pay your invoices or settle your account.

Entering credit card details

​​Bank Transfer (BACS)​

It is easy to make a bank transfer to us. Our bank account details are on every invoice we send you and in case you're not in the UK we've included our SWIFT and IBAN references. We ask that you always quote your account number and any invoice numbers on any transfer you make to us. We always expect you to pay us in full so you should select whatever options necessary to ensure that any currency conversion or transfer fees are NOT deducted from the amount which reaches us.


BookSource is a longstanding member of the Batch payments system operated by the Booksellers Association. It allows you to receive our invoices from multiple suppliers in one place and authorise them for payment with a single click. For further information on Batch visit then contact us to set you up to receive invoices and credit notes, and for us to receive your payments this way.


Payment Link by Stripe​

We have recently partnered with STRIPE to allow us to take your credit card payment online and as securely as possible. We no longer accept card details over the telephone to remove any risk of them being cloned. Instead, you can make your credit card payments to us by clicking on the payment link button below. We accept almost every type of card and soon we'll include Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Paypal.



If none of the above suits we will still accept your cheques through the post. However, this is fast becoming an expensive option for us and we expect our bank to begin levying charges which we may have to pass on to you or our publishers.


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