Our FlexArmy and how it works
Welcome to BookSource
The purpose of our FlexArmy is to ensure that we have extra resources when they are most needed and to provide work opportunities for people who cannot commit to regular hours. By bringing us together, it can only result in a win-win situation.
How it works
You will be added to our FlexArmy WhatsApp Group. On that you will be sent a link to F.A.S.T. our FlexArmy Scheduling tool. You must complete this form every week before the Friday before the following week – even if you are not available for work. This will help us schedule and get back to you to confirm if you are needed. We will send you a reminder on WhatsApp each week.
When you get paid
Our payroll department has cut-off dates each month and these are displayed on the staff room noticeboard. This is to allow them to calculate your pay and set up the bank transfer. You will normally be paid on or by the 28th of each month.
What if you can't make it in
If you find that you are unable to work after you have been scheduled, please call us as soon as possible. Do not wait until the start of your shift. This way, we can arrange for someone else to cover your shift. The contact names and numbers are below.
How long will the arrangement last
This is an indefinite arrangement. It will end either when you tell us you no longer want to be part of our FlexArmy or if you fail to complete the F.A.S.T. form over two consecutive weeks. We feel this is fair to give someone else the chance of some work. We also have the right to bring the arrangement to an end if it’s simply not working out. At the end of the arrangement, you will be sent your final payslip and your P45.
Questions & Contacts
Your contact at BookSource is Operations Director, Kevin Campbell (0141-643-3970). Kevin will help you with any queries or issues you might have.